Become a Web3Warrior: The Web3War Ambassador Program

Become a Web3Warrior: The Web3War Ambassador Program


Are you passionate about gaming, a pro at streaming, and a social media influencer with a solid follower base? If so, the Web3War Ambassador Program offers a unique opportunity to turn your gaming passion into a rewarding venture. Here's why you should sign up and what you can expect as a Web3Warrior.


What Do Web3Warriors Get?

Becoming a Web3Warrior means joining an elite group of gaming influencers who receive exclusive perks each season, including:

  • 500 $FPS per Season: Get rewarded with 500 $FPS tokens to enhance your gaming experience.
  • Free Season Pass: Enjoy all the premium features and exclusive content of each season at no cost.
  • Limited Edition Season Skin: Stand out with a unique Web3Warriors skin available only to ambassadors.
  • Referral Bonuses: Bring your friends on board and both of you will receive an additional 100 $FPS.
  • Early Access: Be the first to try out new seasons, updates, features, and games on the Fus1on Hub.


Who Can Become a Web3Warrior?

We are looking for dedicated gamers and influencers who can meet the following criteria:

  • Social Media Influence: Have at least 1,000 followers on Twitch, Twitter (X), Instagram, or TikTok.
  • Content Creation: Share a minimum of 10 pieces of content per season, including:
    • Announcing your status as a Web3Warrior.
    • Showcasing your new limited edition Web3Warriors Season Skin.
    • Encouraging your community to play Ranked Matches.
  • Gaming Commitment: Log at least 15 hours of game time and play at least 15 Ranked Matches per month.
  • NFT Purchase: Buy at least one Web3War NFT each season ($FPS will be provided to purchase these).


How to Apply

Ready to join the Web3Warriors? Here’s how you can become part of this exclusive program:

  1. Check the Requirements: Ensure you meet all the criteria mentioned above.
  2. Fill Out the Form: Complete the application form available here.
  3. Review and Confirmation: Our team will review your application. If successful, you’ll receive an email confirmation and a contract outlining all terms and conditions.
  4. Get Started: Once you sign the contract, your account will be credited with 500 $FPS, the exclusive Season Skin, and your Season Pass. You’re then ready to dominate the server!


Why Join the Web3Warriors?

Becoming a Web3Warrior isn’t just about the rewards; it’s about being part of a vibrant, innovative gaming community. You’ll get to influence the gaming landscape, have early access to exciting new features with Web3War and future games, and connect with other top-tier gamers and influencers.

Join the Web3War Ambassador Program today and start your journey towards becoming a key player in the future of gaming.


Apply now and let’s conquer the gaming world together!